Allergy Testing
If you are suffering from allergies then why not check out Allergy UK for more information
​We currently offer allergy tests for those looking for a bit more information on possible allergens, via an ALEX IgE Test.
However, we​ advise those who believe they are suffering from a serious allergy to contact their doctor for further investigations. The diagnosis of allergic disease is mostly made on clinical grounds supported by a detailed history and the outcome of skin tests, however laboratory investigations are a useful tool in the diagnosis and management of allergic diseases and can be very helpful in the assessment of disease activity
Tests are offered from the pharmacy as a private service, this involves a blood sample being taken via a finger prick and sent to a laboratory for testing.
ALEX Allergy Test
The ALEX test is an IgE test which is the most comprehensive available and is used and recommended by the NHS and private allergy consultants. This is the only test that is available in this format outside of a professional allergy setting.
An example ALEX outcome report can be seen here
This test costs £300 including the appointment, test and outcome report